illustration - books

book projects - published and spec work

Growing Up Aspen

Illustrations for a few of the stories - Published 2023 by Twist and Turn Press.

From: Lost Man Reservoir

“…The first bump would prove too much for one person. Gideon then put the jeep in neutral and joined me in pushing. The jeep rocked back and forth a few times and soon pushed over the asphalt lip. The jeep began to pick up speed . . . and moved closer and closer to the precipice. Gideon and I ran like the wind and swung in the open-door frames. Gideon frantically steered with all his weight and both of his hands to right the vehicle with one leg hanging outside of the vehicle as he tried to gain his seating…”

From: Shenanigans

“The originals were about twelve inches long, including said spike, and were of considerable weight. Like many other kids across the land in the1980s, we already had the real Lawn Darts and quickly tired of the rules. We decided to go for distance.

One of us asked, “How far do you think they’ll fly?”

And somebody said, “Only one way to find out…””

From: The Purple Bike

“I couldn’t begin to guess how many close calls I had on that bike—a near head-on with an unsuspecting motorist in a parking garage, a slip on gravel strewn across asphalt, or nearly getting crushed by a truck in an alleyway, there were always obstacles to dodge and risks to be avoided. Most close calls were of my own doing. But I never met a kid in Aspen who spent more than an hour a day on a bike, who didn’t have similar stories of near-death antics and crazy stunts, that should have left them maimed or with a permanent limp.”

Ode to Mustard

God called…..

God called…..

Around 1995, Barry Smith, an award winning newspaper columnist and I collaborated on a book of poems he had written for literally no reason at all.

The book itself was hilarious, despite my somewhat unrelated illustrations. The project was not only fun, but provided Barry and I with a surplus of books to hand out everywhere we went.

For far too long.

After a while, people started handing them back. I still have a bunch of them.

Please enjoy the drawings…. and don’t tell anyone where you saw them.